Sligo Chamber 18th Annual Golf Classic – Friday 15th June 2018

Sligo Chamber Annual Golf Classic takes place this year at County Sligo Golf Club – full details of which are outlined below.
The 2018 Classic sponsored by Sligo Haulage & Distribution LTD  is a well-established social and business networking event with tee times booked well in advance each year. 
We would love if you could join us and if you would like to enter a team or sponsor a hole please contact
Venue: County Sligo Golf Club                  Format: Team of 4 Stableford (Men’s Teams & Ladies Teams)
 Entry Fee: €160 per team            Sponsorship of Hole: €150
As tee times are limited, they will be allocated on a first come first serve basis
Please make your reservation by Wednesday 13th June 2018 at the latest by email to .